Mathias Grassow/Tomas Weiss – Electric Angels (CD)


Artist: Mathias Grassow, Tomas Weiss
Label: Databloem
Format: CD

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SKU: DB031 Category:


Grassow & Weiss join up for another spacious adventure, showcasing an hour of high quality Ambient with an amazing array of subtle and intricate detail.Although the music evolves slowly and deliberately, it’s probably one of their most varied albums up to date.Ranging from dynamic and engaging dronescapes to razor-sharp produced textures, flavored with a touch of early Space Music. Electric angels is a fusion of heart and mind. Leaving the industrial age of the 19th century and the information age of the 20th century behind, the 21st century opens the door to the age of consciousness. Electric angels is a musical representation of this passage from the old era into a new one.


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