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Old vs. New

Unearthed a bunch of cassettes of a radio show I engineered on KCSB from 1990-1993. These were the days before MP3s, so these cassettes are the only record I have of that show.

The funny thing is that the only cassette player I have is in my 15-year-old Subaru. The 5-CD changer in there gave up the ghost long ago, but the trusty cassette player still works.

I was listening to one of the shows today and I couldn’t identify one of the songs, so rather than waiting for my co-DJ Elisa and I to identify the song, I used Shazam on my phone–moments later Siri told me the song was From My Mouth by The Essence. The fact that I was using Shazam to identify a song from a 23-year-old cassette was amusing. I’d imagine people probably do that all the time when they run across old cassettes containing unknown gems, but it was a first for me!

2 thoughts on “Old vs. New

  1. Hey time for an update. What’s new?

  2. You’re right! Working on an update of new stuff to the database. And I guess I have to keep writing…

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